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Case Grouped dimming and motor control -TRILEC Gent UZ

In this industrial building, the new group function for lights and motors is already used (new in PROSOFT this month).

The recently introduced lighting control techniques are all used in this brand-new wholesale branch in Ghent. TRILEC Belgium has 16 branches with sales- and support offices, showroom, consulting/sales team and warehouse function all over the country. These are not only logistic centres but also meeting and training points for electrical contractors and skilled system integrators. TRILEC has been selling TELETASK products since the early years and has been ever growing since. From a lamp shop in Brussels historical city centre to the current professional branch network of today.
Recently a second location was opened in Ghent in a brand-new industrial building which is completely managed by a TELETASK system. Mr. Johan Dumelie, TELETASK specialist at TRILEC, is responsible for the promotion and support of the TELETASK products to his team members in all the branches and to their customers, TELETASK- system integrators. Several thousands (!) of TDS systems went to their final destinations thanks to the efforts of Johan and his colleagues. Knowhow, experience and close customer relations are the words which fits best to Johan’s skills. And some magic, we believe…

What was installed in this new branch to obtain the commercial goals of TRILEC: The latest lighting technology. Both practical and with a high demonstration value.

Energy harvesting lighting control, Tuneable White and Human Centric lighting control algorithm. All by TELETASK (via DALI). The Main showroom ‘street’ is illuminated with 38 segments of 6-fold LED arrays which each of them contain 3 warm LED’s (2700K) and 3 cold (6500K). On a picture you can’t  see how it works, but if you click the movie link below, you can see the TW change-over from warm white to cold white. In this case the whole K-range from the applied LED lights. You can see the backlighted ceiling changing, but you can see it even better when you focus on the showroom ambiance. From warm white for a customer meeting in the evening to the formal white meeting light for day-to-day working situation at increased concentration level. As you may know from our HCL white paper, light temperature influences the hormone levels (cortisol and melatonin) which have a positive influence on our concentration level. A High light- temperature (e.g. 6500K) in the morning for optimised working results and a warm white (2700K) for ending the day, resulting in good sleep quality during the night.


The TRILEC lighting specialists and consultants know that you can’t play games with light temperature and that a professional approach is necessary. Therefore, the TELETASK Human Centric Control algorithm does the job here. As a system integrator you don’t have to worry about it. The users can switch or dim to level at any time they want, while the TDS system takes care of the proper light colour for the best and safe results. The algorithm is not a simple curve but a complex graph which depends on the local time of the day. It’s fixed in the TELETASK system and controls any TW connected output. Two channel 0-10V, 230V dimming, PWM dimming, or DALI-2 up to T8. All is possible on your TDS system.

But there is more to detect in this building.
Four HVAC zones (VRF type) are also integrated, as there are also motorised curtains, a motorised projection screen, with HDMI connected projector which is simply controlled by an IR-COOKIE. The ‘projection’ scene is nicely managed by a Timed Local Mood which prepares the projection room like a home cinema. By a touch on a button, the curtains close, the screen drops down, the lights are dimmed, the projector is started and set to the proper source… Perfect for a training but also as experience room for any professional customer, architect or end-user. Joining for an experience of the latest innovations for his renovation or new build project.
There is also a multi-room multi-source streaming audio system which is integrated for the necessary background music in the showroom, sanitary rooms and even in the warehouse. As a demonstration there is a combination made of standard speakers, built-in speakers and hidden in-wall speakers.

Motion sensors connected to TELETASK inputs manage the warehouse lighting and take care of a part of the energy management of the building. No energy is consumed when nobody is present in the different warehouse zones.

And how is all this controlled by the TRILEC team?
There are motion/presence sensors, but also push buttons, AURUS-OLED, AURUS-TFT and the brand new, recently released OPUS is the Master of the house. On top, there is an iSGUI mobile app installed for the management who can also control functions which are not available on the touch screens. Visitors are not supposed to switch off the whole building, but the management can do this from a local or remote site. The iSGUI can connect via local Wi-Fi connection and remote 4G. Also security cameras can be checked from the smart phone.

I would assume this new branch a second home for high-level system integrators because there is everything you can dream of, including voice control with a Google Home TTcloud connected integration.
And… you can order all this beauty at the local desk. All demonstrated equipment from TELETASK to the audio and lighting equipment is sold by TRILEC. One stop shop. Local or via the on-line store.
(For Belgian professionals only).

See also our whitepaper on Human Centric Lighting