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P1 interface for digital meter

TDS12340BE is an AUTOBUS interface which provides the connection between the AUTOBUS and the P1 port of the digital meter (electricity and gas).
This interface ensures that the TELETASK system can have access to the consumption and injection data of your electrical and gas installation (this BE version is only to be used in TELETASK installations in Belgium and The Netherlands).

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The TELETASK system can, based on the read-in measurement data, activate electrical appliances when the installation, during a minimum preset time, injects energy into the grid (e.g. generated by solar panels). This can be the wall socket of your washing machine, tumble dryer, dish washer or another socket. You can also have a connection with your heat pump, and/or hot water boiler. These can also be controlled, based on the energy parameters given by your digital meter. On the other hand, the system can also deactivate circuits to avoid overload or peak charges.

Also read our article regarding carefree energy management and smart meter integration.

dots Specifications
Order Reference TDS12340BE
Power 12V powered by AUTOBUS (minimum 9V).
DIN-rail mounting 2 modules wide
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Datasheet TDS12340BE
Leaflet Energy Management