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The Remote Services (TSF16100) subscription enables a system integrator to manage and support a TELETASK installation from anywhere on the globe. The system integrator can obtain multiple subscriptions for all TDS installations he wants to service from remote site. He can make his office a support center instead of having to travel to the installations every time when diagnose or support is needed. With a small yearly subscription fee per installation, there is no need to go on site anymore for system configuration or diagnose.

‘Remote Services’ is easy to use and safe via a state-of-the-art secured connection. The result is a reliable and fast customer service and increased job comfort at the highest efficiency.

The TELETASK specialist can concentrate for 100% on what he is hired for. He can use his high-level skills without losing expensive travel time.

Make remote diagnostics, PROSOFT configuration changes and even upgrade central units anytime from anywhere.

The Remote Services subscription is specifically useful for System Integrators and installation-team managers who are located (far) away from the TDS installation. In case of apartment projects, it is hardly impossible to make service/maintenance appointments with all owners together. With Remote Services, the system integrator doesn’t have to disturb the owners’ privacy. It is also very useful for professional installations where a 24/365 service with fast response is needed. Think about high-end villas, hotels, office buildings, etc…

In case of a technical defect, the system integrator can diagnose the installation remotely and he can bring the necessary part to be replaced. Remote Services generates a fast service with the highest cost efficiency. The only thing needed is an internet connection at both sides and a cloud connected TELETASK central unit.


No hardware to be installed

-           Highly secured cloud connection

-           Comparison with VPN connection: Easier to set up; easy to use

-           No maintenance such as needed for VPN connections.

-           No settings to be done when the internet provider makes (remote) changes or replaces the internet modem/router.

-           No need for a fixed IP address

-           No need to work with a DNS router.

Extra with this subscription: Authenticated e-mails are included with the TSF16100 subscription. A DoIP installation with this subscription will enable the central unit to send authenticated e-mails instead of standard non-authenticated e-mails.


The subscription can be ordered on-line by the System Integrator on the TTecomm website (see below) and is activated for one year immediately after initial online payment.


TTecomm is the online e-commerce site where system integrators can buy TELETASK-TSF subscriptions. TSF services are SaaS-model based software subscriptions available at a yearly fee. There is no software license like for traditional TELETASK software. A subscription is obtained for one year and is automatically renewed. The auto renewal can be stopped at any time by the system integrator, until one month before the renewal date (in TTecomm, see

Installation instructions for the system integrator are in the TELETASK on-line Technical Handbook for professionals: see

Availability: Available on TTecomm website and operational immediately after payment.

Auto renewal (yearly): In order to be able to automatically yearly renew (and invoice by e-mail), the system integrator account only works with credits cards: VISA and Master Card. TTecomm will ask your company- and credit card information at first login. An invoice is sent by e-mail automatically at purchase and auto renewal.

As long as the system integrator doesn’t stop the renewal, the subscription will be automatically renewed every year. He will receive an e-mail notification two months before the renewal date. So he still has one month to decide to stop the auto renewal or not. Payment will be taken from the SI’s account- credit card, one month before the renewal date (!). If the credit card is not valid at that moment, the TTecomm platform will keep the system integrator posted to add a valid credit card in his account on TTecomm. He still has one month to do so to avoid that the TSF service stops working (at the planned renewal date).


dots Specifications
Order reference TSF16100
PROSOFT v3.7.3 or higher
Purchase via TTecomm (
dots Download
Leaflet TSF16100 Remote Services
Datasheet TSF16100