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What is home automation?

Home automation is a term that sounds familiar to many, but what does it mean exactly? The term is derived from a combination of the Latin word 'domus' (= house) and 'informatics'. Home automation refers to an informatics system for the household. It's an overarching term for the smart technologies that can be installed in a home. These smart technologies are interconnected so that they can communicate with each other. This is also referred to as home automation. Through home automation, various aspects of a home can be automated and synchronized, resulting in increased comfort and efficiency.

What are the possible applications of home automation?

There are numerous applications of home automation, especially within its original electro-technical domain. For instance, TELETASK's home automation offers solutions for the following:

1. Access Control

Home automation complements the traditional house key. With TELETASK home automation, for example, you not only gain controlled access to your own home, but you can also grant controlled access to others. This enables you to set specific days and times for your cleaning service or gardener to access, or allow people entry after they've contacted you through your smartphone.

2. Preventive Security

Home automation solutions also contribute to preventive security. Going on vacation? You can still give the impression of being home through presence simulation. Mimic your presence by turning lights on and off, and closing or opening blinds remotely.

3. Lighting

Every home or project has various light sources. This includes indoor lighting, outdoor lighting, and ambiance lighting with white or colored LEDs. With TELETASK, you can control all these light sources using buttons, motion sensors, digital keypads, touchscreens, and even through your smartphone, laptop, tablet, or voice control.

4. Temperature

Home automation enables you to always enjoy your ideal indoor temperature. Control your heating, cooling, and ventilation with the press of a button or via your smartphone. Even curtains and shutters can be easily controlled remotely. In winter, you can bask in the sun's warmth, and in summer, you can remotely close blinds to prevent excessive heat buildup. The system can even manage this automatically for you.

5. Energy Management

If you want to be more conscious of your energy consumption, TELETASK's integrated home automation solution is a perfect way to save both energy and costs. This is achievable because the home automation system seamlessly integrates with your digital energy meter. Track your energy usage day by day, week by week, month by month, or even year by year.

Furthermore, a TELETASK home automation system can intelligently manage your power outlets and nearly all devices. Minimize standby power consumption by cutting off power to infrequently used devices. The system can also take actions itself, turning specific devices on/off based on cheap/expensive energy rates. Shifting loads in time ensures your comfort while maintaining the lowest possible energy footprint.

As Belgium's first home automation producer, TELETASK has held the BEN label since 2016.

6. Creating Ambiance

Set the desired 'ambiance' on your TELETASK app. Come home after a busy day and, with one press of a button, enjoy the perfect temperature, ideal lighting, and your favorite music. Be creative and create the perfect atmosphere for any moment.

What is the difference between home automation and a smart home?

We refer to a smart home when there's complete integration among the various 'smart' systems in the house. For instance: control by the home automation system of access control at the front door/garage door, controlled power outlets throughout the house, lighting, and heating/cooling/ventilation, and so on. This is also the best way to manage energy in your home. For instance, you can manage all these systems from a touchscreen or your smartphone.

What are the benefits of home automation?

The biggest benefit of home automation is the complete control it provides over your entire home and your total energy consumption. Energy-saving has never been this simple.

Home automation doesn't just automate; it ensures a high level of comfort for all residents. Achieve the perfect temperature at home, turn your lights on from your couch, or adjust the volume of your audio streamer with a simple button press.

Finally, home automation solutions contribute to enhanced security. With the integration of IP camera footage and secure access control, you always know who's at your front door. Also, simulating your presence during a trip keeps potential thieves at bay.

Want to know more?

If you have questions or want to start a home automation project yourself, contact TELETASK now, and we'll be happy to assist you.