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New flexible network cables as part of our sustainability strategy


At TELETASK, we believe taking care of both our customers and the planet is essential. That is why we have always been firmly committed to sustainability. We do this by focusing on optimal energy consumption through built-in intelligence, but we also developed some concrete sustainability targets within our company.

For example, some time ago, we ensured that all payroll administration runs digitally. We also switched to renewable energy and eliminated plastic packaging wherever possible - in our company but also at the construction sites. And as the next step in our sustainability strategy, we recently introduced the new AUTOBUS network cable, whose flexible tubing is partly made of recycled plastic.

The AUTOBUS TDS90005 features a flexible tube made of at least 50% recycled materials. The raw materials come partly from recycled consumer and industrial waste. This cable is part of a series of circular products specially developed to reduce the ecological footprint of electrical installations.

Let's work together on the circularity of raw materials by switching to this new version!

The new flex tubed cable is available in brown (instead of the original grey colour) via its original order reference and price. You can find more information on the product page of the AUTOBUS TDS90005.