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COOKIE digital input interface with LED feedback and PT100 input

The TDS12135 is a compact digital input interface with four voltage free contact inputs and four outputs for feedback LEDs. In addition, there is also one PT100 analog input for room (or any other) suitable temperature measurement.
The four inputs can be used to connect standard
mechanical push buttons or any other voltage free contact like door- or window contact, etc.

The TDS12135 is particularly useful when the connected (custom) panel buttons have a built-in LED and eventually also an opening for the mounting of a PT100 room temperature sensor.
The interface is small enough to be
built-in behind about any type of wall box. The TDS12135 can be connected to the TELETASK AUTOBUS with the supplied connector set.

The feedback LED will be lit when the configured PROSOFT function is ON (true) and OFF when not (false).

dots Specifications
Order Reference TDS12135
Dimensions 42 W x 42 H x 16 D (mm)
Power via AUTOBUS - 12V (min. 9V)
Mounting In a wall box or other standard junction box
Application Indoor only
PT100 2 wire version; max 20 cm wire. For longer distances, use the TDS12301 instead, in combination with a 3-wire PT100 sensor
Low current LEDs 4x, max. 2m wires
Buttons 4x, max. 2m wires
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Datasheet TDS12135