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The TELETASK Cloud is made to guarantee a simple and fast setup of the connection between your mobile devices (with the iSGUI app) and your TELETASK installation at home.

You don’t need to be an ICT specialist anymore to make your customers iSGUI work over a data network (3G, 4G…).

TELETASK offers a powerful cloud-solution for the easy integration of your mobile devices via a safe TLS connection. This solution offers the possibility to manage a home, apartment, office or building from all over the world. On top, this service is free of charge for all existing and new TELETASK users (with a DoIP central unit).

How does it work exactly? The TELETASK system in your house maintains a permanent connection to the TELETASK Cloud service. Your mobile devices (or Win PC/Mac) will connect to it automatically when you start your iSGUI app.

Future additional services will make it possible to introduce a range of new features, but it will also offer a variety of fun and interesting novelties for both the system integrator and the end user. TELETASK Cloud is made to grow.