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Home automation with an astronomical clock

Controlling lights, blinds, and curtains when it gets darker or brighter? You can control them all automatically via a light sensor-based function or with the astronomical clock function. They are both embedded in the TELETASK system. With a light sensor, you can measure the light intensity, but you can’t predict it. But with the astro function, you can. The system can act before or after sunrise and sundown. How do both options work, and what are the possibilities?

PROSOFT, the configuration software that allows system integrators to set up the TELETASK home automation system, has a full clock action system. This allows for the performance of certain actions at a specific time, provided certain conditions are met. An example: turning on the lights in the garden at 6 p.m., provided it is sufficiently dark, then turning them off at 9 p.m. Indoors, a clock function can perform many other tasks, such as the control of heating, cooling, and curtains, to name a few.

The alternative: an astronomical clock

The TELETASK system functions can now also be controlled via an astronomical clock that is integrated into the DoIP central units. This clock predicts when the sun rises or sets each day of the year, at any given global location. This way, the astronomical clock can trigger an action precisely at sunset or sunrise, or a number of minutes or hours earlier or later.

To do so, the astronomical clock does not require input from a light sensor. This makes the technology interesting when a light sensor was not needed anyway, like in an apartment without outdoor lighting, or if no budget was set aside for a light sensor. In other words, it also lowers the entry level for choosing home automation. In addition, the astronomical clock saves energy by avoiding useless energy consumption.

Of course, one advantage that a clock function with a light sensor has over the astronomical clock is that it can take actions according to the actual light intensity outside. The astronomical clock cannot account for cloudy or particularly sunny days. The choice is yours. Everything is possible. After all, as part of the TELETASK system, it is software-defined and 100% flexible.

What are the applications of the astro function?

Many applications are similar to those with a light sensor, with the difference that you do not need such a sensor. You can close the curtains, activating garden and driveway lights, or even indoor lights, for instance, one hour before sunset. Ideal for outdoor dining and enjoying the garden or for increased security. After sunset, for example, the path to the front door, the parking lot, or the entrance gate to the property can be automatically illuminated without the need for motion sensors all around. Garden sprinklers can be activated in the night at any number of hours after sundown or before sunrise. Easy to configure and flexible to change in a matter of seconds. Even from a remote site.

Satisfy customer wishes

With control based on an astronomical clock, the TELETASK home automation system becomes even more versatile, for even more convenience in and around buildings. It is a feature we received many requests for and which we are happy to make available. Feel free to try it and to learn more about it in the online Technical handbook for professionals.