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Alarm keypad function on OPUS touchscreen

Control your burglar alarm system with the OPUS touch screen. The OPUS touch screen contains just about everything you can expect from a fully integrated home automation installation. It is also the perfect solution to minimize the number of alarm keypads on your walls and thus optimize the aesthetic aspect of your interior.

The OPUS screen is provided with password protection which allows you to activate and deactivate the alarm system whenever desired. A status indication of the alarm system is also provided, but other functions can also be shown next to it on the same OPUS ALARM screen. When leaving, activate the alarm system and at the same time switch on the outside lights (for x minutes). Just ask your system integrator. He will be happy to fulfill all your wishes.

The OPUS screen also contributes to increasing your comfort here. The TELETASK home automation system automatically does the rest. If you activate the alarm system when you leave and remove the electric car from the charging plug and after 10 minutes all lights go out…, TELETASK will automatically ensure that your energy flows optimally adapt to this new situation. Thanks to the full integration of all electrical functions, the energy transition can pass almost unnoticed.