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How TELETASK puts sustainability into practice


At TELETASK, sustainability is of paramount importance. We strive to be a forward-looking company and employer by consistently making the most sustainable choices possible. In 2018, all colleagues attended an inspiring workshop on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), enabling us to further commit to a sustainable future.

Sustainability in action

With this ‘Sustainable Day’, we intended:

  • to share our vision on sustainability,
  • to delve into the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals,
  • to inspire each other with ideas about how TELETASK can implement the SDGs.


What are the SDGs?

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 universal objectives for sustainable development adopted by the 193 member states of the United Nations. In order to achieve the SDGs, the full commitment of government, businesses and citizens is essential. In short, it’s a responsibility shared by all of us.

Johan Vander Beken, managing director at TELETASK: “During our Sustainable Day, we invited Alexander Mijts, circular construction expert at VIBE vzw. Alexander gave us surprising insights into sustainable development and ecological urban planning. His main message? Big changes are made in small steps: start with realistic ambitions that are achievable, especially as an SME.

Using the SDGs as a guideline, we defined our own set of goals within three themes:


  1. Sustainability in our company

In order to foster sustainability, we must start by taking further (we started with sustainable products 35 years ago) steps ourselves. This also means taking action to be more sustainable in the workplace.

Over the past few years, we have:

  • switched to green energy,
  • personalized reusable drinking bottles for everyone,
  • established paperless digital payroll administration,
  • offered financial benefits for bicycle commuting,
  • transitioned to (green energy powered) heat pumps instead of gas heating,
  • offered teleworking options,
  • introduced flexible working hours
  • digitalized processes such as planning, production and administration.


  1. Sustainability in our products

Johan Vander Beken: "Sustainability is in the DNA of our company. Ours is the first business in the sector to apply the BEN label (technology for ‘almost zero energy’ houses and green buildings). In addition, our systems have average lifespans of 30 years, and we developed zero-power technology with a switch module that consumes virtually no energy.

"In 2020, we will continue to work on sustainability by focusing on optimal residential energy use through built-in intelligence and by using recyclable cardboard packaging containing as little plastic as possible. In the future, we want to continue on the same track. For example, our new generation of user interfaces will be even more energy efficient, as we are going from very low power to micropower technologies. Finally, we also offer 'remote services': System Integrators will be able to manage and adjust TELETASK systems remotely (lowering traffic and increasing service).”


  1. Sustainability for our customers

Johan Vander Beken: "With every new TELETASK product which we develop, sustainability and quality comes first. But we notice the greatest energy savings in our customers' households. Our systems are becoming increasingly intelligent, which further reduces our customers' energy consumption. For example, the system knows the presence and absence of people and when to lower the consumption of lighting, ventilation, pumps, shades, audio, heating, etc…

"To translate these savings into figures, we help more than 2,000 families save on energy costs every year by adding intelligence to their homes. The Spanish Ministry of Economy, which is housed in a 90,000 m2 building, achieved an energy savings of 41% after only one year, thanks to a TELETASK retrofitted installation.”

Towards a sustainable future

Johan Vander Beken: "We remain on the right track, but our research is far from finished. Together with the entire TELETASK team and our most professional stake holders, we continue to build sustainable and energy-efficient installations over the coming years. Keeping our customers’ valuable feedback in mind at all times. Providing the lowest possible energy consumption at a high level of comfort. That's what we strive to do every day.”

Want to get more details about TELETASK?

Contact one of our distributors free of charge for more information.

Feel free to visit TELETASK at Light+Building exhibition between 27/09/2020 and 02/10/2020 in Frankfurt.